They Seem to Know Eternal | Youth in this VALLEY and live up to 120 YEARS Hunza Valley Pakistan

They Seem to Know Eternal youth in this VALLEY and live up to 120 YEARS | Hunza Valley, Pakistan:

Can women in their 40s look like teenagers and give birth until they are 65 years old the answer is yes there is a valley where this is the norm and its population lives to 120 years old stay until the end to discover how this is possible, and the fact is that in some passages of the Bible we can find several stories of some men who lived many years on

Earth we have the case of Adam who live 930 years NOAA 950 and the most known by all Methuselah with 969.

They Seem to Know Eternal youth in this VALLEY and live up to 120 YEARS | Hunza Valley, Pakistan

There are also myths that speak of supposed elixirs of eternal life and in countless movies and anime series such as Dragon Ball we see that the ultimate goal of some villain is to achieve eternal life or Perpetual youth well I tell you that there is a town called

Hanza Valley where people can live up to 120 years old and most of them always look young or so they say and see if this is true welcome to curious Earth a place full of wonderful.

Landscapes and a unique attraction that will leave you captivated and don’t forget to subscribe like and activate the little bell, so you don’t miss our different content and be the one who kills your curiosity without further Ado let’s go around the globe the Curious thing about this Valley Beyond.

The Spectacular mountains that surround it lies in the people who inhabit it people who have been the subject of many studies and who seem to be the possessors of a secret longed for by many Eternal youths located in the mountains of

Northern Pakistan at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level is this beautiful Valley where the hand of man has barely intervened in where the inhabitants of the Hunza river valley are said to live up to 110 to 120 years are said to get sick very little and appear to be very young

They have a Caucasian appearance and have been the subject of several genetic studies in an attempt to establish links with other Caucasian populations at first glance women in their 40s look almost like teenagers, and it is even said that they give birth up to the age of 65.

They Seem to Know Eternal

But what is their secret it seems that the main thing is Diet but not only that in summer they eat raw fruits and vegetables in Winter dried apricots sprouted grains and sheep cheese according to Marquis in addition they bathe in ice water even when the thermometer reads 15 degrees below zero research by Scottish physician.

Robert Harrison emphasized that these people consume almost no protein on average they eat 1933 calories a day including 50 grams of protein 36 grams of fat and 365 grams of carbohydrates the main factor in the longevity of this ethnic group according to Harrison lies precisely in their diet without going any further neighboring Nations that live in the same climatic conditions but do not eat properly suffer from diseases and have a life expectancy twice as short says this doctor another specialist.

They Seem to Know Eternal

Richard Vercher also points out that the Hunza have regular fasting periods as the secret of their longevity the inhabitants of the Hunza valley recommend a vegetarian diet as well as working and being in constant movement they say that in this way Joy comes to the surface the.

Hanza are always in a good mood and stress does not appear they do not suffer from this envious ailment however not everything is so clear other experts deny that the Hanza are different from other populations according to Dr John Clark who spent 20 months among the Hanza writes in his book Lost Kingdom of the

They Seem to Know Eternal

Himalayas about these people that they were as sick as other neighboring populations suffering from malaria dysentery and other diseases but most of the experts and people who have visited this Valley know that this population almost never gets sick and besides they live long and always look young in addition

Clark also points out that the Hanza do not have an established calendar and calculate their age not by the years it lasts since birth but as an estimate of their wisdom or their leadership within the group remember dear viewer like the video and subscribe to our Channel keep enjoying the video the . They Seem to Know Eternal

Hansa valley

Is a region that is only about 500 kilometers from Islamabad but takes two days to reach by car it takes little imagination to know whither roads can be like however the attraction of getting nearby land where you will find

Hunza Valley, Pakistan

Many Wonders which there is although it is hard to believe for example is to be able to see how life develops in the many villages and towns that the road crosses with people working in the fields without any kind of mechanical help seeing people plowing with oxen is just one of the many signs that. They Seem to Know Eternal


Has not even appeared in this eminently agricultural country the stores moreover are stationed along the road they are basically first floors that open their doors wide in order to expose the goods mainly basic necessities nothing outlandish and to complete the picture imagine the shopkeepers sitting on the ground with his legs. They Seem to Know Eternal

Hunza Valley, Pakistan

Half crossed and leaning on one of the sides waiting for his customers life meets the visitor along this traffic artery that as it heads North becomes more Serpentine and enters the Majestic mountains offering Landscapes that make you arch your eyebrows they have hardly

Been touched by the hand of man and often stretch much further than the eye can see it is not uncommon to see a waterfall during your journey along the road in Spring many men can be seen taking advantage of the fresh. They Seem to Know Eternal

Mountain Water

For their morning wash or to clean the dust from the road of these trucks which are a Festival of Colors and deserve a separate mention because the decoration of these vehicles is a source of Pride for their owners and in turn a status symbol in the world of truckers the more Baroque the more powerful but to compensate for the tiring Journey. They Seem to Know Eternal

Hunza Valley, Pakistan

There’re Places unique for their geographical location such as stopping for tea the country’s national drink at the junction of two tectonic plates to contemplate the Confluence of the Karakorum the Hindukush and the. They Seem to Know Eternal

Himalayas three mythical names that evoke Adventure risk and the illusion of approaching the roof of the world despite the prohibition of drinking alcohol by religious prescription in the Hanza valley it is permitted to produce wine as long as it is not for commercial use following a tradition that apparently dates back before the arrival of Islam in the region and.

Kareem Abad it is mandatory to stop at the Hunza cafe to taste the honey-dipped walnut cake delicious even if it sounds cloying Dash also from the Hanza valley it has become a tradition to go to atabey Lake which is actually a Natural Dam that was formed after the 2010 earthquake that flooded part of the Karakorum road which links.

Pakistan with Eastern China did you know that to date villagers in the valley in Northwestern Pakistan have not reported any coronavirus deaths it was already aunique place in the world but now it is exceptional it is a Haven against the pandemic all around it the hospitals in the area are claiming but for the. They Seem to Know Eternal

Hanza the virus seems to be passing them by and it is not that they have not had visitors since it is a destination so present in international tourism as forgotten by the government it is that something immunizes them against the pandemic since the beginning of the.

Pandemic in the whole valley inhabited by 40 000 people 1119 swabs were taken in 877 were negative no new cases were registered nearby peoples definitely do not match the life expectancy of the. They Seem to Know Eternal

Hunzad nor do they share their habits and they get sicker the Hanza do not know about cancer appendicitis obesity and gastric ulcer and all of this is thanks to their excellent living.

Habits well you know that our time on this Earth is short you have to take advantage of every second but without losing your way if you want to live a little longer it’s time to start eating well as our friends from the

Hunza valley do not be sedentary always be moving nonintermittent fasting and relax a little or directly go to live there and if you don’t want to go to live there at least tell us would you visit this place if. They Seem to Know Eternal

You like this video we recommend you to share it in order to reach new audiences and increase your knowledge about the world and watch our video about Masan ram a village where people can never go out without an umbrella because it is the rainiest place in the world you will like it live long and prosper. Hunza Valley, Pakistan

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Must visit this place in Pakistan is very beautiful place: Hunza Valley

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